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What Type of Class is Right for Meeee?
First of all, if you are brand new to yoga, CYS has lots of options for you. The first suggestion is usually the New Beginners / Basics class that has been held on Tuesdays at 6pm for many years; but if you find that too easy, try TriYoga or Conscious Flow; which are sometimes offered more than once per week, so see the schedule for timings. 
If you are new to yoga, very tight, not in the greatest shape of your life, and want to start with something easy, gentle and meditative then we suggest any of the following Yin Yoga Classes:
Mondays at 6pm
Wednesdays at 9:45am
Thursdays at 6pm
Or other yin classes that you may see on the schedule.
Note: Yin Yoga is also good for people who are in good shape, but perhaps too much in the "go go go" mode. It is very meditative and helps one switch to the "let go, let go, let go" mode, which is very needed in a fast paced, dog eat dog, world. 
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Often the class you feel drawn towards may not be the best for you. For example, if you are overweight, though the Yin class is probably still a good place for you to start, it may tend to become a place you prefer to stay, but exactly not what you need in the long run. So, although it is a good place to start, you will want to work towards more vigorous classes, such as Beginner Power Yoga, but slowly. 
On the other hand, if you are in good shape and one of those go go go people you will probably want to do nothing but Power Yoga, but probably what you really need more of is the Yin Yoga.
However, if you want to go deeper into this, like on an Elemental Yoga Therapy level, then please take a look Here!
Find our Schedule of Classes and read their Descriptions HERE 

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