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As you read thru the virtues below, ask yourself if you have too much, not enough, or are just right.Score yourself as too much with a +1, not enough with a - 1, and just right with a 0


How is your lover energy showing up in your life? Are you expressing and receiving love from self and others? Are you feeling emotionally stuck? Are you feeling much at all? Dry? Overly detached? ~ Or is it the opposite; are you overly-attached to... (Read More Here)



Yin Qualities















Yang Qualities















Lover   /  Philosopher


How is your philosopher energy showing up in your life? Are you taking time to go deep or are you wading through life on the shallow end? Do you look for the deeper connections of things or do you... (Read More Here)

* Breathe not the sins of others

so long as thou art thyself a sinner.

~Bahai Teachings

Yin and Yang / Feminine and Masculine are in every element, but often will have more characteristics that line up with a certain side. The qualities of Water element are considered more feminine or yin. But without a certain measure of Yang or Masculine attributes the Water will be imbalanced. Or if the Water element has an over abundance of Masculine attributes it will also cause an imbalance that impedes its proper functioning. 

Water Deficient

From the virtues list above, if you added your number of negatives and they easily surpass your positives then you are probably water deficient. However, if you did not take the time to add these up you can simply ask yourself the following questions:


 Are you feeling disconnected from others, dry in your relationships?

Do you feel a lack of flow in your life, like you are going nowhere? 

Do you feel your potential is stuck?

Are you caught up in something that is carrying you away from the direction you would rather be going? (...resentment?)


This is an indication of either deficient water and/or flow. This is sometimes referred to as stuck water or stuck potential. Also, in more serious cases,  water is receding / flowing the wrong way.

In any case you may want to consider calling in the water element qualities listed above, as well as summoning the energies of the Lover and/or the Philosopher.

You also may want to consider bringing in air qualities; as air supports water. 



Water Excessive

From the virtues list above, if you added your number of positives and they easily surpass your negatives then you are probably water excessive. However, if you did not take the time to add these up you can simply ask yourself the following questions:


Are you feeling very emotional, easily teary eyed and overwhelmed?

This can be an indication of having excessive water element; which can be good for a while to get thru pain or grief; but if it seems such emotionality goes on for too long, you may want to consider summoning the energies of the Earth Element and their corresponding archetypes: the Caregiver and/or the Feminine; Earth controls Water. 

Water Element Meditation


The water element is about feeling deeply and keeping balance / equanimity; and these 2 qualities are most important in the practice of Vipassana Meditation; which is essentially a practice of Equanimity; which is a practice in training oneself to be as non-reactive and as peaceful as possible in all circumstances.


How to do Vipassana Meditation:

Sit comfortably, but preferably upright as you may get sleepy very quicklyif you lay down.

If you feel too uncomfortable sitting upright try sitting with your back against a wall.


  • Feel the breath in your nostrils (15 sec)

  • Feel how it's cool on the inhalation and warm on the exhalation. (15-30 sec)

  • Feel the breath in your throat (15 sec), then chest (15 sec), then belly; but in all places feel for all of the subtle nuances of sensation that you can pick up on (i.e. In the chest you may feel some ribs moving with the breath. In the belly you may feel the touch of your clothing as it rises and falls).

  • Stay with feeling the breath in the belly for at least 30 seconds or as much as 5 minutes.

  • Now bring your awareness to the small patch of skin beneath your nose (where a mustache would be) and tune in closely to feel the subtle touch of the exhaled breath as it passes over this little patch of skin. (If you do not feel it at first, it is quite okay; use it as a way of practicing the art of stressless-effortless-trying.) Do this for 1 to 5 minutes.

  • Scan your body from the top of your head and down to your toes over the course of at least 5 minutes.

  • Feel every physical sensation you can possibly feel, especially the most subtle.

  • Do not think about what you feel, just feel. 

  • The more you just feel the less you will think.

  • Try not to avoid anything you feel, but rather feel everything as completely as possible.

  • Fully accept the physical sensations you are feeling. In other words, "practice acceptance of what is."

  • Inevitably some uncomfortable sensations will arise. Do your best to keep completely feeling the sensation, but also try to narrow down the feeling to its smallest point; trying to find the epicenter of the discomfort. Quite often you can keep dissecting this point with your mind's eye that the sensation completely disappears. Quite often these sensations are at the root of emotional discomfort.

  • Do your best to stay peaceful and equanimous with whatever you are feeling and for as long as possible and without moving.

  • When you move you "spill" some of the process. Move a lot, spill a lot.

  • At some point (if you are not able to dissect the sensation down to the point that it disappears or is tolerable) you may decide you need to move (or scratch that itch, etc.) If so, do so slowly and consciously rather than quickly and reactively.

  • Before you decide to move/reposition or scratch an itch (etc), see if you can wait 5 to 15 respirations before doing so. This way you are still deeply practicing being non-reactive and as peaceful as possible (aka equanimity). In time you will be able to stretch your ability in the midst of discomfort {be it physical or emotional} to stay equanimous.


Here are some videos to understand how it works and inspire your practice:

Water Reset!

Water Element Meridians


Using your thumbs, press along the lines you see in the charts below. Spend more time at the points you see along the lines and in the sore spots massaging in slow circles. Sore means you need more. However, it should only hurt so good.

No bad pains allowed!



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