Release / Waiver
Below is an e-copy of the hard copy waiver all students must hand-sign before participating in CYS classes and events.
By signing below the Attendee/Student/Client is aware and agrees that participation in a sport, physical exercise, massage or yoga (including "hot yoga") class or program may result in accident or injury, and student* assumes the risk connected with participation in such classes and programs and represents that Student is in reasonable health and suffers from no physical impairment which would limit their use of Cincinnati Yoga School's facilities, classes and services - including all other locations (such as Panch Maha Yoga) holding classes/services run by Cincinnati Yoga School (at all locations, such as Lotus Yoga Temple & Panch Maha Yoga). Student acknowledges that William S Brashear (President) and Cincinnati Yoga School does not claim to hold a medical license nor operate licensed medical services and, therefore, will not render any medical services or give health advice that should be considered as anything more than a perspective and / or suggestion. Therein, Student specifically agrees that William S Brashear and Cincinnati Yoga School, its officers, teachers, employees, contracted employees, family and agents, including all other locations holding classes run by Cincinnati Yoga School - shall not be liable for any claim, demand, cause of action of any kind whatsoever for, or on account of personal injury, death, property damage, or loss of any kind resulting from or related to Student's use of the facilities or the participation in any yoga activity, sport, exercise, service (i.e. Thai Yoga Massage, Lotus Yoga Clinik, etc.) or other services. workshops, activities within or without the studio premises, and Student agrees to hold William S Brashear and Cincinnati Yoga School and all affiliates harmless from the same. Furthermore, student/ client agrees that CYS is under no obligation to give refunds, credits or reimbursements for missed or unused classes, yoga teacher training modules, workshops, clinik services (i.e. massage) and other prepaid services that student elects not to attend.
Membership Cancellation Policy:
If you have an Injury, Illness or are relocating more than 30 minutes driving distance away, we will cancel your membership free of charge. We will also consider other reasons, but usually outside of these 3 circumstances there will be a cancellation fee of $50 for the 9 month membership; a $40 cancellation fee for the 6 month membership; and a $30 cancellation fee for the 3 month membership. In addition, once a monthly payment has been made there should be no expectation of a prorated refund for the remainder of that month.
Refund Policy: CYS operates hand to mouth, so once a refund is requested it is possible that the funds have already been allocated towards operating costs. Thus, refunds can be very detrimental to CYS operations. Therefore CYS in policy is under no obligation to give any refunds, which is also stipulated on the legal waiver above. Nevertheless, if someone requests a refund with a written explanation we will review and consider it. However, if we do decide to give a refund (though not due to any legal obligation) it could take up to 6 months for the full dispersal of whatever amount is decided upon, and may also come in small installments.
Please understand that this policy is not because of a lack of sympathy for anyone who requests a refund, but as a necessity to protect the ability of CYS to maintain well functioning services and operations.
*The term Student above also implies Buyer, Member, and Client.
Signature line is ommitted from this e-copy. Hard copy must be signed instead.