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As you read thru the virtues below, ask yourself if you have too much, not enough, or are just right.Score yourself as too much with a +1, not enough with a - 1, and just right with a 0


Are you in touch with your Masculine energies? Are you able to apply or demonstrate your strengths when necessary or do you shy away from them? Or are you... (Read More Here)



Yin Qualities










Yang Qualities



















Are you able to lead when needed? Or do you tend to lead even when others are capable? When you lead do you consider the welfare of all involved? Or do you lead for the sake of... (Read More Here)

¨When the best leader's work is done the people say,
We did it ourselves!”

― Lao Tzu

Yin and Yang / Feminine and Masculine are in every element, but often will have more characteristics that line up with a certain side. The qualities of (Fire (and space) element are considered more masculine or yang. But without a certain measure of Yin or Feminine attributes (i.e. insufficient water) the Fire element will be imbalanced. Likewise, if the Fire element has an over abundance of feminine attributes (i.e. too much water) it will also cause an imbalance that disables its proper functioning. 

Fire Deficient

From the virtues list above, if you added your number of negatives and they surpass your positives then you are probably fire deficient. However, if you did not take the time to add these up you can simply ask yourself the following questions:


Are you feeling a lack of passion for most anything?

Has it been a long time since you experienced an abiding joy?

Is it hard for you to take the lead on anything?

Was there a time when you "burned the candle at both ends"

for a prolonged period of time? Do you feel burned out?

If so, you are probably deficient of fire element.

Therefore, in addition to the qualities listed above, 

you may also want to take a look at the qualities and archetypes of

the space element; as space supports fire.   


Fire Excessive

From the virtues list above, if you added your number of positives and they surpass your negatives then you are probably fire excessive. However, if you did not take the time to add these up you can simply ask yourself the following questions:


Are you feeling very heated / passionate about something?

Are you overly aggressive or persistent?

Are you burning the candle at both ends to attain your goals; 

while heedless of the destruction you may simultaneously be causing

in the aftermath of your relentless pursuits?

This is an indication of excessive fire element.

If this is the case, please take a look at the water element

qualities and archetypes; as water controls fire.  

Fire Element Practices


The following practices can be used if you need more Fire (fire deficient). However, if you haven't had a private yoga session or group workshop with one of our Elemental Yoga Therapists these practices may need more explanation and guidance. In that case, we can set up a session for you if you contact us at


As you do the following practices speak inwardly the qualities / virtues in the list below as well as those that appeal to you from the longer list above (under Yin and Yang). Having the feeling of the exercise while you speak the virtue to yourself has a powerful affect on your psyche helping you to more fully imbibe the power of the virtues and the element. Please do not skip nor underestimate the power of doing this!


Will: (aka Desire for good) Chant: Ya’Baha’ul’Abha! (while beating a drum if possible)

Power: Forward movements. This is the direction of “Body” energy, according to Delsarte.

Perseverance: Plank, Purvottanasana and other arm meridian movements and postures.

Destruction / Willingness to Destroy: Heart up, Jaw forward, Eyes wide, + Fire Breath


With the next exercises you can really discern if you need more Fire by asking yourself how difficult it is to get yourself to do and commit fully to the exercises. Then you will know if you need more or less (and, it may be less; especially if you enjoy it so much that you overtake other people's time to shine). 

If not enough fire, you may want to resort back to Space / Wood practices for a while. 

Or work with The Destroyer Archetype, that you may feel activated by moving your Jaw Forward and opening your Eyes Wide. The idea is to help you to destroy the habitual inclinations that cause you to shy away and hold you back from expressing your wonderful fire qualities.


(If this is not a problem for you and you find yourself doing this often without feeling challenged at all, then your fire is probably balanced, or possibly excessive)


Listen and Dance with an upward and expansive motion to: Lose Yourself by Eminem

This will actually be a space element practice, but space supports fire and so it will prepare you for the...


Soul Train Stroll Line

Now listen to Night Fever by the Bee Gees

Travolta: Point as if leading; commit to both being silly and stylish, add eyes and aim forehead into

mind, body, spirit zones.

Shine your Fire / Release your Charisma! 

In a group, everyone may be doing the same simple silly move, but remember:

It’s not what you do, but how you do it!)


Similar Fire Building Activities

Celebrate / Dance

Dance / Celebrate

Socialize: Dance together in small and large groups

Capoeira: This Brazilian martial art has all of the above!


Hasya Yoga: / Laughter Yoga:

For Joy is one of the most wonderful attributes of Fire and also helps all of the above become easier. It also fosters immunity and many other holistic benefits. 

Fire Reset!

Fire Element Meridians


Using your thumbs, press along the lines you see in the charts below. Spend more time at the points you see along the lines and in the sore spots massaging in slow circles. Sore means you need more. However, it should only hurt so good.

No bad pains allowed!




Small Intestine

Triple Burner 

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