CYS Refund Policies:
CYS operates hand to mouth, so once a refund is requested it is possible that the funds have already been allocated towards operating costs. Thus, refunds can be very detrimental to CYS operations. Therefore CYS in policy is under no obligation to give any refunds, which is also stipulated on the legal waiver that is signed before you participate in any service CYS offers including classes, trainings and workshops. Nevertheless, if someone requests a refund with a written explanation we will review and consider it. However, if we do decide to give a refund (though not due to any legal obligation) it could take up to 6 months for the full dispersal of whatever amount is decided upon, and may also come in small installments.
Please understand that this policy is not because of a lack of sympathy for anyone who requests a refund, but as a necessity to protect the ability of CYS to maintain well functioning services and operations.
Refund Policy Regarding Yoga Trainings and Retreats Abroad:
Though it is stated above that there is a "non-refundable" deposit for some of our Yoga Trainings and Retreats, one can still request a refund and we will do our best to grant it -but not if it is an event abroad and the departure date has drawn near. This is because as the date of the event draws closer it becomes more difficult to grant any refund as the funds may have already begun to be allocated towards operating costs. Nevertheless, with the exception of the deposit, any other amount that has been paid towards the total cost of the event will be considered for refunding if the request is given at least 90 days before the start of the event. Furthermore, if for some reason a refund is granted, it could likely take up to 6 months (or possibly more) for the full dispersal of a refund, and come incrementally.; esp if the request is made less than 90 days before the event.
Again, this is not because of a lack of empathy for anyone who requests a refund, but as a necessity to protect the funds of the operation until it has been completed.
Full-refunds, which include the deposit, can sometimes be availed so long as the related circumstances are out of the control of the participant. and it is requested via a simple letter of explanation. Nevertheless, the full dispersal of a refund, as stated above, could still take up to 6 months, and come incrementally.