Beer & Fart Yoga
Beer & Fart Yoga (and the yoga of restraint) Already read Part I&2? Click Here to scroll down to Part III Contrary to the thoughts and...
Virtues First ~ An Educational Philosophy
Our not-for-profit organization, Virtues First, is mostly concerned with education. As Gandhi said, If we want to effect real change in...
How To Invest Yogically
According to the World Bank, more than half of the world's population lives on less than $6 per day; and 20% live on less than $2. So you...

Gayatri & Salutations:
Working thru climate change: loss and grief Gayatri Om bhur bhuva svaha Om tat-savitur-varennyam Bhargo devasya-dheemahi Dhiyo-yo nah...
Have a Namaste :)
an even better alternative than the elbow bump I don't know about you, but it took me a long time to get into the habit of coughing into...
Idols and Ideals
[ The following is in response to questions from students in yoga teacher training that feel apprehension about chanting mantras that...
USING TERMS LIKE DOCTOR, THERAPY AND THERAPIST ~by Will are greatly cautioned among those of us who dont have authority given by...
Mayans, Masons, Mandalas, & the return of The Masters of the Stars
You might be here to check out this Blog because you caught my email about the topic of the same heading above. If not, I am going to...

Prayers and Mantras
Create in me a pure heart, O my God, and renew a tranquil conscience within me O my Hope! Through the sprit of power confirm Thou me in...
Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Training in Cincinnati, Ohio - Home of Lotus Yoga Temple and Cincinnati Yoga School. Vishwa Teacher Training. Cincinnati....