Bollywood Nights
The Conscious Cinema of Bollywood and other Indian film makers
Bollywood movies have a format something like this:
More Despair
More Hope
Climactic Dancing & Rejoicing!
And frankly, most movies do that (except the dance part), but the way Bollywood does it is different ~ It's like a science
and it gets me every time!
Come see why Bollywood is such a rejoiced aspect of Indian culture!

The Line Up
Lagaan (Date TBD)
Auroville: City of the Dawn (Date: TBD)
A documentary about the worldÅ› largest intentional community based on an ¨experiment of human unity¨and yogic principles that will give you hope for the future of humanity.
Three Idiots: (Date: TBD)
This movie was so powerful that other countries made their own versions of it.
Please be advised that some Bollywood movies are quite long. So, sometimes we will split them up over 2 Fridays. Also, they can be very deep. So we also allow for a bit of discussion before we leave / reflect on our way home. Nevertheless, if you come to this first half we will give you a link to the full movie, just in case you cant come back for the second half. Oh, and one other thing, this is a real cinematic experience. We have a projector to create a giant screen, a great stereo system, popcorn, drinks. The only thing we don't have is the outrageous prices you would pay at a typical local cinema. Movies are free to CYS members and just $5 for any friends or family they bring.